Thursday, March 15, 2007


Gustave. The legendary killer that has been said to be responsible for 300 lives, and is 20 feet in length. So, how did it fair in this (yet another) monster killer film? Well, on top of Gustave alone, there's also another drama revolving Little Gustave in the film, Primeval. No, he's not the son, but a human who claims himself the King on the Land, while Gustave rules the waters. Interesting, ain't it?

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This movie isn't anything special in particular, apart from the huge predator that claimed a few lives in the film. Oh, Little Gustave killed too, brutally, even more brutal than the Gustave is capable of. There was a couple of funny scenes and crude humors, but the message conveyed is straight forward and clear - the harmony and peace issue of the Africa. Oh, of course and the expedition to capture Gustave. Overall, quite an average movie.

Anyway, while I survived the movie, I was asked by the crew of CinemaOnline for comments and ratings [source]! The question was" If you had a chance to join the team, would you go? Why? And how would you rate it, our of 5 stars?" And here's my response to them...

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